Drawing and Road Safety Week

For Expressive Arts we have recently been focusing on Drawing. We have discussed the different types of lines that we can draw such as straight, wavy, curved or zig zag and also discussed that lines can be different lengths. We have been developing our pencil control by ensuring our lines are neat.

We started off by just demonstrating our skills. We then used these skills to design a t-shirt using lines to make our t-shirt unique to us.

We then created self-portraits and thought about all the different types of lines we would need to use to draw ourselves. We did this very carefully and even used the mirrors in class to ensure our self-portraits were as accurate as we could make them.

As part of Road Safety Week our Junior Road Safety Officers visited our class to speak to us about road safety. We went down to the cycle track on a very wet Thursday afternoon and practised cross the road under the guidance of the JRSOs.

We also played a game of ‘Spot the Dangers’ by exploring a picture of a busy street and then designed our own posters with the aim of sharing the message ‘Let’s Talk about Speed.’

We have started practising for our Nativity and have heard all of the songs. We have lots still to do and have started discussing parts with an aim to share lines with everyone next week 🙂

Diwali, Book Week Scotland and Anti-Bullying

It has been an extremely busy but exciting week in P1B.

We started off the week by learning about Diwali. Some children in our class celebrated Diwali last weekend and it was lovely to hear their experiences and how they celebrated it with their families. We created our own mehndi designs on hand templates and watched some short films which showed how families prepare for and celebrate Diwali.

We then made our own Rangoli patterns in our playground with chalk. We hope you enjoyed the beautiful colours at home time on Monday!






On Tuesday we visited Mearns Library to mark Book Week Scotland. We were introduced to the books we were gifted in our bags and enjoyed listening to some of the stories being read by the Librarian. Thank you to Freddie McL’s mummy who joined us on the trip.

On Tuesday afternoon we were delighted to be joined by our P6 Buddies. We read Supertato together and then designed our own potato using a variety of materials. Our potatoes were amazing and we were so proud to bring them home.

On Thursday we spoke about bullying. We discussed what bullying actually is and how we can stop bullying from happening to us or to someone else in our school. We then read the story ‘Simon Sock’ where Simon realised he is an odd sock. Simon wants to find the other sock which matches him however when he does find it, he realised that they aren’t quite the same and instead made friends with a banana. We created our own odd socks and discussed how it is ok to be different and not be the same as everyone else.


On top of all of this we have started learning the songs for our Nativity in December!



We have recently started Gymnastics and have so far enjoyed learning about balancing, jumping and rolling. We have also discussed how to keep ourselves and each other safe on the apparatus we have used so far.

Over the past couple of weeks we have been practising balancing, jumping and rolling and this week we put them together to make a short routine.

We learned five different shapes we can make with our bodies and we turned these shapes into balances on the benches.

I like making the shapes with my body, my favourite was a star.

I balanced on one leg.

We had a go at four different types of rolls across the mats. The Teddy Bear roll and the Side roll were the trickiest.

My favourite part was the log roll, I was like a sausage.

I liked the tuck roll, I had to keep my chin tucked in.

I liked doing the teddy bear roll, it was good exercise.

We then moved across the benches, displayed a balanced and then safely jumped off the benches in a shape of our choice. We finished our routine with a roll of our choice.

I tip-toed across the bench.

I liked balancing on the benches.