Literacy and English

In Literacy and English we have been developing our writing skills through drawing. We discuss a sentence and then draw a picture of the sentence by adding as much detail as we can to the picture. We are beginning to have a go at writing some words on our own and this will progress onto forming our own sentence. There has also been lots of letter formation practise to support our handwriting.

Here we are writing a simple sentence about what we do in school.

I enjoyed drawing my picture

I enjoyed writing about what I do at school.

In school I tidy up before home time.

My favourite part is doing the drawing.

I wrote about playing with the blocks in school.

I’m writing about playing with the cars.

I like playing with the blocks in school.

I wrote about playing with the cars.

We have been learning new sounds and so far have learned S, A, T, I, P and N. We have different items in the creative area to help support our understanding of the sound. We have also been using ‘s’cissors to cut a ‘s’tar and ‘p’ainting ‘p’enguins.

I made a mermaid on my t-shirt.

We were learning ‘t’ ‘t’ ‘t’.

I enjoyed colouring the ice-cream in.

We are learning the ‘i’ sound.

To help us remember the sounds we learned, we were tasked with sorting the pictures and the letters into the correct circles. There were some tricky ones in there to try and catch us out.


I am moving the table to the letter ‘t’.

I was moving the ice-cream.

I was putting the letters in the right letter.

We also take part in lots of active activities. We are trying to rub the ‘t’s of the ‘t’able with the ‘t’oothbrush.

We had fun using the magnifying glasses to search for letters in the books. 

We were searching for ‘p’ in the book.

I was using the magnifying glass to search for the letters.

To help us learn the ‘n’ sound we were challenged to make a ‘n’est using a variety of different materials.

We were making birds nests.

I was changing my nest and then the bird was sick.

I made a nest for a lizard. I put some grass in it and I put lots of detail on there.