Welcome to P1B

We have had a lovely start to Primary 1B and all of the children have settled in very well. We are learning new routines and have enjoyed spending time establishing new relationships with each other.

The children have enjoyed exploring their new environment and have already shared some ideas of what else they would like to see in their classroom.




We created beautiful self-portraits by drawing ourselves in black pen. We spoke about adding detail by including fingers, feet, hair and facial features. We then designed a colourful background by painting different shapes in colours of our choice.

We have been learning about our families. We have discussed how all families are different and what is special about our own families. We created pictures of our families and shared who each member of our family was.



For our Class Charter we have been reading Elmer. We have discussed the Rights of the Child and whilst we all have the same rights, we are all different. We each designed our own Elmer and next week we will be discussing the rules of our Class Charter.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been learning about numbers. We have been practising our number recognition and counting. We have been using playdough, beads and cubes to help us count. This has also helped to develop our Fine Motor skills.












In Literacy and English we have been developing our Phonological Awareness. We went on a Listening Walk around the grounds of the school. We listened carefully to what we could hear and could even tell the difference between the tweets of the birds and were delighted when we could hear the roar of a bin lorry.

We have also been practising to write our name each morning and had a go at finding the letters in our name.




On Wednesday we explored the garden with Miss Hutchison and look forward to more Outdoor Learning with her every Wednesday.












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