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Week ending 2nd February 24

This week Mrs Doyle was here on Monday and so she took us outdoors to the garden where we built Teepees. Mrs Doyle explained the importance of the triangular structure for strength and then we work in teams to create a stable, strong structure that we could sit inside.

On Tuesday, we took our maths lesson outdoors where we were investigating volume.

In number we have been developing our addition and subtraction skills and building numbers using the numicon.

We haver been extending out storytelling through drama and helicopter stories. Using our reading books in a range of activities and working with our new sounds qu, ou and oi and our Common Words.

Here are a few more pictures of this week’s learning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to the Open Afternoons next week.


Week Ending Friday 26th January

This week in P1a, we have celebrated Burns’ Night and Australia Day. We learned about the life and poetry of Robert Burns, learned some Scots language words, created timorous beastie pictures and created tartan. Please check out our fabulous ceilidh dancing on our Google Classroom.

We read the story Neeps and Tatties in Scots and then re enacted parts of the story.

Today we celebrated Australia Day, we have learned about Australian animals and culture. Thank you so much to Mrs Agnew for bringing in some of her Australian artefacts for us to investigate.

In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers by completing a whole  class challenge, we had to listen really carefully and follow the instructions.

We have been working on our subitising skills by sharing how we look for patterns in collections.

In literacy, we have been working on reading fluency and information gathering.

We continue to learn about local birds and complete our surveys.

It has been such a busy week, but we have still had lots of time to explore the play areas with our friends.

Have a great weekend.

Week Ending 19th January

We started this week by Going on a bear Hunt in our drama lesson!

And then we made houses for the Three Little Pigs in our Science lesson with Mrs Doyle.

The we retold our reading book story in the classroom.

We have been using our knowledge of single sounds and digraphs in a range of activities.

And in Maths we have been further investigating 3D shape.

And working with numbers in lots of different ways.

We have created seascapes using blue and yellow paint in our art lessons.

We took all of our hard earned house points up to the collection tubes.

And we have still had time to play!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Week Ending 12th January 2024

This week we have started researching the birds that use our playground in preparation for the RSPB Big Birdwatch.  We have been learning about a new bird each day – this week’s birds are Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Blackbird, Robin and Blue Tit.

In maths we have been working on our number bonds and investigating 3D shapes.

Our maths problem solving task this week involved sharing coins equally – it was really challenging but we got there in the end, by working together and sharing ideas.

In our Technology Lesson we have been learning about algorythms by creating codes for the Indi Cars. Again, lots of team working and problem solving.

It has been so lovely to hear about everyone’s time away from school and everyone has been so ready to learn this week. Here are a few more pictures of our time in class.

Week Ending Friday 22nd Dec 23

What a busy week we have had! Thank you to everyone for coming along to our Nativity on Monday. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The P7’s came down to teach us how to make snowman pictures.

We had a Christmas themed French lesson.

And we had fun at our Christmas party – we even had a special visitor!

I hope everyone as a fantastic Christmas and look forward to hearing all about it when we return in January.

Week Ending Friday 15th December

This week we have worked so hard on our Nativity and we really hope that you enjoy it on Monday. After our amazing dress rehearsal, we made handprint Polar Bears. We hope you like them.

We have even been helping to make some of the props!

In Numeracy we have been working on our number bonds to ten.






We have been using our Number Talks skills discussing how to solve Christmas Maths Problems and explaining our answers.

Our Drawing Club tasks this week were all linked to the story Mog’s Christmas using the book and the Sainsbury’s advert.

Outdoors with Miss Hutcheson we were learning about water displacement using Archimedes Theory.

In the Construction Area, we have been working on stability as we have been building higher structures and have been finding that they keep falling over!

We hope you are looking forward to our Nativity Performance on Monday – we’re very excited about the bus trip too!


Week Ending 8th December 23

This week we welcomed a special visitor to the classroom. We have no idea how he got in, and he’s made a bit of a mess, but we are so excited to see what he will get up to next!

In literacy, we have been working with our reading books and common words and we have learned our new sounds v and oo.

Our Drawing Club book this week was The Dinosaur who Pooped Christmas – watch out for us using our new favourite word humungous (though we weren’t too sure about one of the other words pungent!)






In Numeracy, we have been ordering and finding missing numbers.

We had fun outdoors in what was left of the snow.

There was a huge debate in the Construction Area about stability of structures and speed of descent when the children were trying to launch cars from the top of this building – I think we have a few budding engineers in our class!

I hope everyone has a great weekend – I wonder what Tinsel will be up to next week!

Friday 1st December 2023

It’s December and so nativity rehearsals are in full swing.  Thank you so much for helping your children to learn their lines.

In Maths and Numeracy we have been working with number lines and Numicon and we have continued our learning about money.

Our sounds this week were z, w and ng and we have been using our common words and new sounds to build words and sentences.

Miss Hutcheson took us to the Woodland where we were using natural materials to create numbers and letters.

In our Construction Area we have been creating ramps at the top of our buildings – we have learned that the buildings have to be really stable for this to be successful.

Here are some more photos of our play.

Week Ending 24th November 23

                                                      It is Road Safety Week and so the JRSO’s came into class to talk about how to safely cross the road. We then went down to the cycle track with them so that they could show us the safest way to cross at the Zebra Crossing.              

We then had PC Mitchell our Campus Cop at assembly and she was really impressed with our road safety knowledge.


In our literacy lessons this week we have been learning and using our new sounds ie, ee and or. We have used the talking tins to help us learn our common words and Drawing Club this week was all about Road Runner when we created a home for the Coyote.

In maths we have been investigating money. We have identified and ordered coins, learned that 100 pennies is much easier to carry as a £1 coin and we sorted money into the till.








In our Outdoor Science Lesson, we were investigating water, we had to work out the most efficient ways to move water around the area.

Here are some more photos of this week’s learning.

Week Ending 17th November

We have had such an exciting week in P1A.

We celebrated Scottish Book Week with a trip to Mearns Library. Where we were gifted our book bags. Our Drawing Club lessons this week were based around the story of the Five Bears and we acted out the story, drew ourselves as bears and planned a VERY nice day out just like the bears in the story.

We were so lucky to get to spend time with our Buddies working together to create Supertato – we hope you liked them!

It has also been Anti-Bullying Week so we read about Simon Sock and that it is ok to be different then we created our own socks.

We talked about how bullying is not just physical and sometimes words can hurt just as much (if not more). We created a kindness paper chain with all of the kind words that we use.

In literacy, we learned three new sounds this week – ai, j and oa and we have completed lots of activities with our reading books.

In Numeracy we have been building numbers in lots of different ways and learning how to write the number names in words.

                                                  But, we  have still had lots of time to play!