Welcome to Primary 1A

We have had such a busy first couple of weeks in Primary 1 – all of the children have settled in so well and should be so proud of themselves.

Our focus has been on settling into the routines of school life.  We have been exploring the classroom areas and making new friends.








In literacy, we have started Drawing Club, we created our own Colour Monsters and we drew pictures and of a safe place to store the emotions jars. We have been “writing” our first Helicopter Stories and acting them out with our classmates.

In maths we have been demonstrating our number knowledge through a range of numeracy activities.

Miss Hutcheson took us outdoors to explore the P1 garden.

In our first PE slot in the hall, we explored the space, learned how to keep safe in the PE Hall and then had fun with the hoops.

I look forward to welcoming everyone next Wednesday for our Open Evening.