All posts by Mrs Dougall

A whole year of fun in Primary One.


What a fantastic year we have had P1a – from way back in August when we were just getting to know one another, to now when every adult in the school remarks on what a lovely, polite and fun class you are. You make me so proud every day and I am sure that you will continue to make me, and all of your future teachers proud as you progress through the school. Keep learning, keep playing and above all keep having fun.

Mrs Dougall X

Sport’s Week 2024

We have had such a busy Sport’s Week in P1a.

Our allocated Euro’s Team is The Netherlands, so once we established the difference between Netherlands and Neverland, we created bunting to display to show our knowledge of the culture and customs of our country.

On Tuesday we took part in a dance workshop led by Miss Lamb (if you look on our Google Classrom, there is a recording of our dance there)

The we completed a football skills workout

Before heading out to meet the P6’s who put us through our paces with their football games.

On Wednesday we had a go at Beat the Goalie and got lots of balls past Mr Wilson and designed new football strips for the Scotland Team.

On Thursday we wrote Fact Files about the Netherlands and learned some words in Dutch.

Thank you so much to everyone who came to support us at Sport’s Day – fortunately the predicted storm stayed away long enough for us to have a fantastic morning of sport.

Our fabulous race winners.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and enjoys the football!



Week ending Friday 17th May

The nicer weather has meant lots of outdoors active maths in P1a. We have been using our Data Handling skills to create graphs.

(Our last graph was built indoors because it was so windy outside!)

We have continued to work on our Mathematical Reasoning skills – some of the challenges have been really tricky but we have worked together to solve them.

We planted beans just before the last holiday weekend and now we have some spectacular beanstalks

We have been learning about protecting the environment and even decided that the buildings in construction should have grass roofs.

We have been learning about the artwork of Claude Monet and have been recreating his bridge and waterlilly pictures (apologies for the little blue hands and faces from using the pastels!)

We have also been recreating the works of Monet in the play areas.

Next week we will be outdoors for a walk each day – let’s hope the lovely warm weather continues.

Cultural Celebration Week

We have had a fabulous week learning all about different cultures with a special focus on Eid.

On Monday we learned about how families celebrate Eid and we designed special outfits that we would wear to an Eid Celebration. We dressed wooden spoons to create little Eid mini-me’s.






On Tuesday we dipped strawberries and bananas in chocolate and talked about how during Ramadan, the fast is broken with special treats.

On Wednesday, some of us had henna decorations painted onto our hands.

On Thursday we learned how to Bollywood Dance to the song Jai Ho (a video of our fabulous dancing has been posted onto our google classroom) and we painted our names in Arabic.

On Friday we shared all or our fantastic learning at assembly, wore cultural clothes to school and we had a Spanish Lesson from Mr Crawford who is a teacher at Williamwood High School.

Here are some more pictures of this week’s learning.

It has been a really busy and fun start to the new term!

Week Ending 22nd March 24

We have been marking Neurodiversity Week in school this week and the children have listened to stories and completed tasks to help them gain a better understanding that brains work in different ways. I was so impressed with their level of understanding and empathy.

In Numeracy we have been learning about ordinal numbers, number bonds, subitising and number words.


Our problem solving task this week involved building and measuring robots while working in small groups.






There has also been a lot of discussion in class about why the days of the week are named. So, if anyone is calling Saturday, Saturnday and looking forward to Moonday then ask them to explain about Wednesday, Thursday and Friday because the class decided that they are much cooler names than the planet ones.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Week ending 22nd March 24

                                      This week was East Renfrewshire Stem Week and every class in the authority has been set a series of challenges to complete. We have used Explorify resources throughout the year to promote discussion and critical thinking in class and we were very engaged with the Lego Six Brick Challenges.   We really had to concentrate and listen to one another to ensure that we successfully completed the challenges.                                                                   

Our phonics focus this week was to distinguish between the ch and tr sounds.

We have also been developing our alphabet skills.

We have been learning about where our food comes from

And our maths problem solving this week involved some really tricky shape manipulation to make a camel.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

World Book Week

We have had such a busy Book Week.  Mr Flood was our Mystery Reader, he read us Oi Frog which is one of our favourite books.

We all chose books at the eco book swap.

We did a book Scavenger Hunt and an online quiz.

Our author for the whole school author study was Nick Sharratt. We read lots of his books and created our own versions of You Choose using the illustration draw-alongs.

We met with our p6 buddies and they read to us in the hall.

We also completed literacy tasks using the ipads

Lots of lots of fantastic literacy learning!


Week ending 23rd Feb 24


My apologies for the short blog this week, we have been so busy learning about dragons and creating dragon eyes, that we forgot to take photos of our learning!

In literacy, we have been reading our new books, working on our rhyming and writing about dragons.

In numeracy, we have been developing rapid recall of our number bonds and finding missing numbers in our number stories.

We further developed our local area mapping with the addition of some local landmarks – Patterton Station, Capelrig House, The Tower in the Woods and The Capelrig Standing Stone.  The  children have all worked together to place the landmarks and then create the roads and rail tracks around them. The maps that have been created are so detailed that Mrs Doyle thought some older children had been in to help us!

Congratulations to our classmates in the Tiree House who enjoyed their movie afternoon.

Here are a few photos of us exploring the areas.

Week ending Friday 16th February

Last week, we were writing about going on a journey in a bubble – we watched the bubbles floating around the classroom while we thought about where our bubbles might take us.

In Technology we have been learning about the parts of a computer.

We could identify all of the parts, but we needed a bit of help finding the memory stick.

We are so lucky to have the Quiet Room just off our classroom – we borrowed a light box from P3 and have been finding all of the coloured clear plastic items in the classroom to investigate the  ways that the light box changes their colours.

We mapped the area around the school using pictures of houses that we recognised. There was lots of discussion around position and direction and then road safety as the children decided to add their own speed limit signs!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.