A whole year of fun in Primary One.


What a fantastic year we have had P1a – from way back in August when we were just getting to know one another, to now when every adult in the school remarks on what a lovely, polite and fun class you are. You make me so proud every day and I am sure that you will continue to make me, and all of your future teachers proud as you progress through the school. Keep learning, keep playing and above all keep having fun.

Mrs Dougall X

Sport’s Week 2024

We have had such a busy Sport’s Week in P1a.

Our allocated Euro’s Team is The Netherlands, so once we established the difference between Netherlands and Neverland, we created bunting to display to show our knowledge of the culture and customs of our country.

On Tuesday we took part in a dance workshop led by Miss Lamb (if you look on our Google Classrom, there is a recording of our dance there)

The we completed a football skills workout

Before heading out to meet the P6’s who put us through our paces with their football games.

On Wednesday we had a go at Beat the Goalie and got lots of balls past Mr Wilson and designed new football strips for the Scotland Team.

On Thursday we wrote Fact Files about the Netherlands and learned some words in Dutch.

Thank you so much to everyone who came to support us at Sport’s Day – fortunately the predicted storm stayed away long enough for us to have a fantastic morning of sport.

Our fabulous race winners.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and enjoys the football!