Week Ending 22nd March 24

We have been marking Neurodiversity Week in school this week and the children have listened to stories and completed tasks to help them gain a better understanding that brains work in different ways. I was so impressed with their level of understanding and empathy.

In Numeracy we have been learning about ordinal numbers, number bonds, subitising and number words.


Our problem solving task this week involved building and measuring robots while working in small groups.






There has also been a lot of discussion in class about why the days of the week are named. So, if anyone is calling Saturday, Saturnday and looking forward to Moonday then ask them to explain about Wednesday, Thursday and Friday because the class decided that they are much cooler names than the planet ones.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Week ending 22nd March 24

                                      This week was East Renfrewshire Stem Week and every class in the authority has been set a series of challenges to complete. We have used Explorify resources throughout the year to promote discussion and critical thinking in class and we were very engaged with the Lego Six Brick Challenges.   We really had to concentrate and listen to one another to ensure that we successfully completed the challenges.                                                                   

Our phonics focus this week was to distinguish between the ch and tr sounds.

We have also been developing our alphabet skills.

We have been learning about where our food comes from

And our maths problem solving this week involved some really tricky shape manipulation to make a camel.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

World Book Week

We have had such a busy Book Week.  Mr Flood was our Mystery Reader, he read us Oi Frog which is one of our favourite books.

We all chose books at the eco book swap.

We did a book Scavenger Hunt and an online quiz.

Our author for the whole school author study was Nick Sharratt. We read lots of his books and created our own versions of You Choose using the illustration draw-alongs.

We met with our p6 buddies and they read to us in the hall.

We also completed literacy tasks using the ipads

Lots of lots of fantastic literacy learning!