Week ending 23rd Feb 24


My apologies for the short blog this week, we have been so busy learning about dragons and creating dragon eyes, that we forgot to take photos of our learning!

In literacy, we have been reading our new books, working on our rhyming and writing about dragons.

In numeracy, we have been developing rapid recall of our number bonds and finding missing numbers in our number stories.

We further developed our local area mapping with the addition of some local landmarks – Patterton Station, Capelrig House, The Tower in the Woods and The Capelrig Standing Stone.  The  children have all worked together to place the landmarks and then create the roads and rail tracks around them. The maps that have been created are so detailed that Mrs Doyle thought some older children had been in to help us!

Congratulations to our classmates in the Tiree House who enjoyed their movie afternoon.

Here are a few photos of us exploring the areas.

Week ending Friday 16th February

Last week, we were writing about going on a journey in a bubble – we watched the bubbles floating around the classroom while we thought about where our bubbles might take us.

In Technology we have been learning about the parts of a computer.

We could identify all of the parts, but we needed a bit of help finding the memory stick.

We are so lucky to have the Quiet Room just off our classroom – we borrowed a light box from P3 and have been finding all of the coloured clear plastic items in the classroom to investigate the  ways that the light box changes their colours.

We mapped the area around the school using pictures of houses that we recognised. There was lots of discussion around position and direction and then road safety as the children decided to add their own speed limit signs!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Week ending 2nd February 24

This week Mrs Doyle was here on Monday and so she took us outdoors to the garden where we built Teepees. Mrs Doyle explained the importance of the triangular structure for strength and then we work in teams to create a stable, strong structure that we could sit inside.

On Tuesday, we took our maths lesson outdoors where we were investigating volume.

In number we have been developing our addition and subtraction skills and building numbers using the numicon.

We haver been extending out storytelling through drama and helicopter stories. Using our reading books in a range of activities and working with our new sounds qu, ou and oi and our Common Words.

Here are a few more pictures of this week’s learning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to the Open Afternoons next week.