Week Ending 24th November 23

                                                      It is Road Safety Week and so the JRSO’s came into class to talk about how to safely cross the road. We then went down to the cycle track with them so that they could show us the safest way to cross at the Zebra Crossing.              

We then had PC Mitchell our Campus Cop at assembly and she was really impressed with our road safety knowledge.


In our literacy lessons this week we have been learning and using our new sounds ie, ee and or. We have used the talking tins to help us learn our common words and Drawing Club this week was all about Road Runner when we created a home for the Coyote.

In maths we have been investigating money. We have identified and ordered coins, learned that 100 pennies is much easier to carry as a £1 coin and we sorted money into the till.








In our Outdoor Science Lesson, we were investigating water, we had to work out the most efficient ways to move water around the area.

Here are some more photos of this week’s learning.