Week Ending 17th November

We have had such an exciting week in P1A.

We celebrated Scottish Book Week with a trip to Mearns Library. Where we were gifted our book bags. Our Drawing Club lessons this week were based around the story of the Five Bears and we acted out the story, drew ourselves as bears and planned a VERY nice day out just like the bears in the story.

We were so lucky to get to spend time with our Buddies working together to create Supertato – we hope you liked them!

It has also been Anti-Bullying Week so we read about Simon Sock and that it is ok to be different then we created our own socks.

We talked about how bullying is not just physical and sometimes words can hurt just as much (if not more). We created a kindness paper chain with all of the kind words that we use.

In literacy, we learned three new sounds this week – ai, j and oa and we have completed lots of activities with our reading books.

In Numeracy we have been building numbers in lots of different ways and learning how to write the number names in words.

                                                  But, we  have still had lots of time to play!