Week Ending Friday 15th September

This week in P1a we started learning and using our sounds. We have been busy practising our letter formation in a range of ways, finding words that start with and contain our new sounds and beginning to blend our sounds together to make words.

Our Numeracy focus this week was subitising, we were learning how to look for patterns in random amounts to help us estimate and recognise the number of items.

Our Maths focus was Pattern, we looked for patterns outdoors and created increasingly complex patterns using the Loose Parts.







Our Topic at the moment is Spiders vs Wasps which came about after a heated playground discussion.

We created spiders to link with our Incy Wincy Spider Growth Mindset lesson and then we were did some research to answer our questions about wasps. This linked in nicely with our pattern and 2D shape learning and so we have been creating hexagon wasp nests.