Primary 1 have been learning about a variety of measuring units to understand the concept of weight. We achieved this by measuring every day things using rulers. We know beakers and jugs have the measurement of milliliters, a ruler has centimeters and inches and we can use scales to measure how heavy and light different resources are. We are great at problem solving so know if two things weigh the same, they are equal!
Children began to notice when placing a heavy object in to water, the water rises therefore increasing the volume. They were also comparing different measurements. Also, a fun task to complete involved creating a post card. The post card symbolised that letters and postal orders get weighed. We also know, the heavier the item is, dearer it is to post and the lighter an item is, the cheaper it will be.
Hishaam, Kate and Myra began to realise a ruler increases in length and measured the length of their creations using play dough.
We had the opportunity to measure a variety of resources. We know how a scale represents heavy, light and equal measurements.
In other Primary 1C news: We had a celebration for performing a great show to the whole school and to our parents! Miss Amin provided us with a ‘cinema experience’ as we enjoyed snacks and watched highlights from Toy Story.
Lastly, to celebrate World Book Day and to promote reading, we presented our amazing creations we completed at home! We wrote about our experience and shared our models to our peers.
We loved reading interesting books in our reading nook! It was very cosy and relaxing!