As part of our toys topic Primary 1b took a particular interest in teddy bears. We had lots of questions about teddy bears such as how are they made? What goes inside them? and How are our bears different from bears in the ‘olden days’?
We read lots of books and carried out some research online to answer our questions and couldn’t wait to bring in our own bears to show each other.
Friday started with Mrs Denholm greeting us dressed as a giant walking, talking teddy bear. We decided we were going to have a teddy bears’ picnic in the afternoon so had to get to work straight away to make some sandwiches for the occasion.
We did very well to butter our own slices of bread and add our chosen filling before cutting our sandwiches into halves. We carefully placed them into lunch bags and added our names so nobody became muddled. It was great fun and we learnt lots of new words including spreading, slicing and filling. There are definitely some budding chefs in the making in Primary 1b!
After playtime, we had circle time where we gathered together to hear stories about our favourite bears. All of the boys and girls were very respectful of each other and listened attentively to all of the interesting teddy bear names and adventures they had been on with their furry friends.
Soon after it was time to go on a bear hunt!! We put our jackets on and gathered our bears before heading outside. Some of the boys and girls remembered a story they had heard before in nursery…”We’re going on a bear hunt, We’re going to catch a big one, we’re not scared!”
Our imaginations came alive as we went outdoors. We found bear fluff, scratch marks on the playground and footprints in the woodland area. It made for some very animated and interesting discussions. We worked together as a team and found all of the teddy bears that Miss MacAtear had hid in the playground for us.
As it was a special day we were allowed to take our teddies to the lunch hall to eat with us. The boys and girls led the way and showed the teddies where to sit for our yummy lunches.
After lunch it was time for our teddy bears’ picnic. We made our way through the school to a magical garden that had suddenly appeared in the middle of the school. There were picnic blankets and grass and even some music for us to enjoy as we chatted with our bears. Mrs Denholm read us a story all about a baby bear as we tucked into our homemade sandwiches. Crumbs everywhere….but it was so much fun : )
We ended the day with a little video clip of one of our favourite teddies Paddington Bear. What a great way to spend a Friday. I wonder what our teddies will be dreaming of tonight…