Sensory fun, pattern, pasta making and exploding monsters…

This week we have been exploring different ways to mark make through sensory play. This led to loads of chat about letter formation and initial sounds.

The children were working on their talking and listening skills while playing a game of Halloween twister, listening to the instructions and positional language and moving their bodies in the right direction.

Lastly, the children were very excited to learn about spiders when Mrs McIlwham brought out an interesting provocation. We had lots of sparkle words this week like slimy, squelchy, sticky, disgusting, squidgy and bumpy. 

In the small world area, the children were making patterns using natural loose parts. Through this, they exercised touch counting and sequencing.

In the home corner we have been making pasta! We explored different types, textures and shapes and attempted to recreate them. Then we used the pasta maker and our gross motor skills to stretch and cut the dough.

“I want to flatten, then cut it” – AC

“It looks like spaghetti, doesn’t it?” – MM

“Oh it makes cheese!” – AS

In the malleable area the children have enjoyed exploring chemical reactions when making our exploding monsters! We took turns measuring out the vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and added lots of different colours to the monster bags. We loved how they then fizzed, bubbled and burst everywhere!