Winter fun indoors and out

In the sandpit this week we have been continuing to explore weight. The children chose a selection of toys from around the playroom and made predictions about whether they would be heavy or light. We then laid them out in order of weight, using the letter boards to help us organise them. We discussed why these letters had been chosen and some children were able to identify the ‘h’ and ‘l’ as the first letters of ‘heavy’ and ‘light’.

The children then used the scales to find out if they had guessed correctly and amended their answers. Some children were able to talk about the reasons why things were heavy or light. We also used our problem solving skills to figure out which objects we had to weigh again to decide on the correct order.

LM – “the lighter one goes up”

MM – “the candle feels a bit heavier”

NM – “i think the car is the heaviest, then this one…no this one”

GG – “it’s a draw”

AC – “I thought it would be the other one because it is smoother”

AC – “I was right”

AE – “the block is heavier now”


The weather has naturally led to the children talking about the temperature outdoors so we decided to make our own temperature chart. We had lots of discussion about what kinds of clothes we would wear in different temperatures. 

Elliot – “temperature means how hot or cold it is. If its really hot i can wear shorts.”

Martha “if its cold i would need a jacket and a hat and scarf”


The children have been interested in turning the mud kitchen into a cafe, writing down orders and even having a drive thru. 

Jojo “Its Jojo’s drive thru its like Starbucks you can get a drink”


We have also been working on our ball skills, practising throwing and catching and dribbling the ball around obstacles. 

The children have continued to create their own stories using their imagination and familiar stories such as Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella to help spark their thoughts. It has been lovely to see the boys and girls steadily developing this across the week, returning to the story station to add a little more detail. 

In addition to this the children have also been making their own labels for their shop. They have used their observation skills and descriptive language to help to sell their toys.

Using the natural light the children realised they could make shadow puppets through the den.  Here we have a spider, a dinosaur and a mouse with pointy ears.

We took a little trip to the library as we had some books due back and were very excited to choose some new books to share with our friends.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe in the wintry weather.