Winter walks, Christmas wrapping and dancing galore….

‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the block area children were filled with glee as we opened a toy shop to wrap presents for under the tree. They made prices for all the toys, some of them for £500!! With lots of mathematical language and play around money. Then out on the lawn of the Christmas themed farm there aroused a twinkle from the ice sugar that was sprinkled. In the small world the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in the little villages that were made in the hope that St Nicholas would be there. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear, children wrapped up in paper right up to their ears. A fantastic Christmas themed week in the block area and small world. Merry Christmas everyone!

The children have been taking part in woodland walks and exploring the changes that Winter has brought. They showed particular interest in the holly bush and why the leaves the spiky. The children were able to use  comparative language when discussing the natural treasures they had found and the depth of the puddles.

ER “I’m going to find a bird, I’ve got a connection with birds”.

SC “I’ve got the biggest leave”.

AM “Mine is smaller”.

JF “This one is a big pond, the other is a little puddle”.

The children have been looking at pictures of Christmas objects and ordering them according to size, developing their mathematical language through their play.

The dance moves have been in full swing this week as we have enjoyed some festive dancing and games.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone and a well deserved break! We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!