baking, story dens, diversity dough and more…

After consulting with the children, this week we have made chapati and 2 ingredient banana pancakes. We have been working on following instructions, following hygiene and safety rules and learning different techniques such as mashing, chopping and rolling. 

“Chapati is like making pizza dough. I make pizzas at home” EG

“I don’t like bananas but i like pancakes” LJ

“They have banana and flour. They’re good I want to make them again” LW

“I want to take them home and let mummy try them” AC

“Yummy!” QCI

The children have been busy out litter picking in our local area.

QF “I found a bag. The bird would get stuck in the bag”.

JH “It’s an Autumn day”.

ZS “We are saving the universe”.

To celebrate Book Week Scotland we have been exploring lots of different texts and listening to stories online. The children were keen to build a den to read their stories in and worked hard to ensure their structure was strong enough to have a roof cover and big enough to fit lots of children in. It was great to see so many problem solvers on the case!

The children have been exploring diversity within the nursery and have been able to share the similarities and differences between us all. At the playdough table the boys and girls had a good look in the mirror and added ingredients to their playdough to recreate themselves. There was great discussion at the table between the children how we all look a little bit different and have different colours of skin.

Outdoors, the girls collected leaves and sticks to start building a bug hotel. Using the old dolls house the children have been adding sticks to one room of the house, leaves to another room and under the house for the hedgehogs.

RA -“I’ve got bark that can be the bugs’ food”.

LJ “The top bit is the bug’s bed that has sticks and leaves”.

The construction area has been updated with some new visuals that have helped to inspire the children before they begin their models. It has been good to see the boys and girls thinking about what blocks they may need for their designs.

SC “I’m making a small bridge”

JF “I’m making a castle” “a king,a queen, and a knight live in the castle”

GG “I need to make a platform,then pillars,then another platform”

In our outdoor area the boys and girls have been busy developing their gross motor skills through a series of fun games and obstacle courses.