Superheroes, Jewellery Making, Muddy Walks and more…

Inspired by the book of the week “Supertato” the children within the literacy area have been looking at text found within comic strips and have been replicating examples of onomatopoeia. The children have also been drawing superheroes and have experimented writing their names.

The children continued their storytelling through the use of puppets and visual cards to help inspire events, setting and characters in their own stories.

This week in the sewing area we have been continuing our interest in jewellery and have been busy making necklaces, bracelets and flower crowns. As well as developing their fine motor skills the children were incorporating mathematics as they created patterns and practised touch counting.

This week, we have started some gross motor skill development in the hall each morning. The children have been eager to join in and have explored different movements they can do with their bodies.

The children enjoyed a woodland walk with Mr McIntosh to explore the changes to the environment and collect some Autumn treasures to help us in our play. The children enjoyed using them at the playdough table where they made some birthday cakes and cookies, chocolate and vanilla flavour to be precise.


This week in the garden we have been very busy! The children have created their own just eat delivery service, bringing you all the groceries you need for your weekly shop or a yummy takeaway. We have also been making a spooky house for Halloween. In the mud kitchen we have been making pumpkin soup, yum yum. Just what we need in the cold weather. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! See you all next week!