All posts by Miss Burnett

Fruit kebabs

We made notes to plan what we fruit we would like to use in our fruit kebab. We drew what we would like it to look like. We explored food health and safety and made sure we washed our hands and handled the knife carefully. We peeled, sliced and chopped.


This term we are learning about life in the past and this class were keen to learn about dinosaurs. We have been using books and videos to find out information. We have enjoyed hearing from palaeontologists and how they dig up fossils and dinosaur bones. We pretended we were palaeontologists and pieced together a dinosaur. We compared our height to dippy the Diplodocus’s femur bone.

Marvellous March

Red Nose Day

Thank you for all the donations this Red Nose Day. We participated in Bluey’s keepy up for Red Nose Day challenge. We tried to keep our red noses up in the air for as long as possible!

Sign Language 

Primary 1 and Primary 5 have been exploring sign language so ahead of British Sign Language week, we teamed up to learn how to sign ‘my name is…’

Here are some photos and videos below.

Van Gogh

We are continuing to explore the work of Van Gogh and have been using line and shape to create our own sunflowers. They are not quite finished yet as we are going to be experimenting with oil pastels to add colour but look how fantastic they are so far!

Fair trade Fortnight

We had an excellent time visiting the Coop to learn about the importance of Fairtrade. We learned that fair trade means that farmers are being paid a fair price for their products and we can support them by buying products with the fairtrade symbol on them. We went on a scavenger hunt in the shop to find five fairtrade products. Thank you for having us!

World Book Day

World book day was great success! We enjoyed sharing our favourite book from home with a p7 friend. Our p7 friend then helped us write a book review. In the afternoon we went on a Where’s Wally? hunt!

Fantastic February!


This month we have been exploring the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Over the last few weeks we have developed a range of skills. On week one, we listened and retold the story to our talking partner. Next, we created a story-map adding key details. The following week we sequenced pictures from the story and wrote sentences to match each picture. After that, we explored features of a letter and pretended to be Goldilocks and wrote a letter apologising to the three bears. Next we couldn’t believe it…Goldilocks actually visited our classroom and broke one of our chairs! We made wanted posters and learned to use a conjunction ‘and’ to join our ideas together. For example- Goldilocks has blonde hair and a blue dress. Finally we made porridge and wrote a porridge recipe. Those of us who wanted to try porridge had a taste and said it tasted ‘just right’. What a great time we have had with lots of fantastic learning taking place.



Primary 1 have been exploring the work of Van Gogh. We looked at his famous painting ‘The Starry Night’ and discussed what we liked and didn’t like about it. Some children shared they like the swirls, the moon and the stars. Others didn’t like the dark colours used. Robyn said the painting made her feel calm due to the blue shades. We had a go at creating our own starry night using paint mixed with flour to create a thick texture. We used swirl lines and thin brush strokes. Our next step will be to add on a village with black paint,

People Who Help Us

We had a very exiting and educational visit from the fire fighters based at Barrhead firestation, Eddie, Mark, Barry, Cammy and Stevie. We learned about all the ways they keep us safe and got to see their uniforms up close as Mrs Burnett and Miss Payne dressed as fire fighters. Zach asked how the hose works and we were lucky enough to all get a turn of testing the hose out. We added what we have learned to a jamboard which is attached below.

January in P1.2

People Who Help Us

We are learning about people who help us in our local community and are interested to find out about different jobs. Mr Cummings, our janitor, and PC Lorraine visited p1 to talk about their role in the community. If any parents work in Barrhead and would like to talk about their job please get in touch as we would love to have you in.

Languages Week

During languages week we have been mark making Chinese numbers and symbols.


This term in PE, we are developing our gymnastic skills. On our first week, we learned to make some basic body shapes- y shape, t shape, straight shape, star shape and tuck. We also explored different ways to move our body across the bench . We applied our learning to create a sequence where we moved across the bench and held a body shape. Once we reached the end of the bench we finished our sequence with a jump,


We can identify the five senses: touch, see, hear, smell and taste. We have had lots of fun learning about how our senses work and especially enjoyed using our sense of touch to detect information. We were blindfolded and used our sense of touch to identify the object given to us. We used language such as hard, soft, rough, smooth to describe the object and we all guessed correctly! We also used our sense of touch to work out which letters or numbers were in the tuff tray.

December in Primary 1

Well done Primary 1 for a fabulous first term. You should all be so proud of yourselves. It has been an absolute joy to see the progress you have made so far and I hope you have a well deserved Christmas break. Thank you parents for the support you have given us this term.

December has been busy with lots of exciting things happening. Today we had our Christmas party with a very special visit from Santa.


We worked really hard to learn songs and actions for the nativity we hope you enjoyed it.


We have been reading the story ‘Stick Man’ in class. In this story stick man is used in lots of different ways for example, he is used as a bat, a sword, a nest. We used our imagination to turn our own stick into…

We are problem solvers! We worked alongside primary 6 to build a sleigh for Santa. We had to follow a design brief and we successfully met the design criteria.

First, we made a planned our sleigh, considering what we wanted it to look like and the materials we would use. Then we built our sleigh. Finally we tested the sleigh out.


The Gingerbread Man
Some cheeky visitors came to our class and luckily it was caught on cctv! Watch the footage below

Max suggested making missing posters and we applied our learning about sentence structure and adjectives to create detailed posters. We put our posters round the school and even visited the nursery to see if they knew where the gingerbread men had gone. We made traps and used magnifying glasses to search for clues.

Unfortunately we didn’t find the Gingerbread men but they did leave us a letter.

Walking on the moon! 🌝

We have been learning about Space and the first ever moon landing. We had lots of fun using the green screen to take pictures of us on the moon. We pretended to be Neil Armstrong and talked about what we might see from the moon including stars, the Earth and other planets.


N is for November


We started the month working with our buddies to create a shape poster on Microsoft Word. We learned how to insert shapes and change the colour and size. Our buddies helped us type the name of each shape, they were impressed with how many shapes we could name and describe.



In Science, we have been learning about push and pull forces. We took part in different activities in the playground and were challenged to identify if we were using push, pull or both forces to make objects move.

1. Dribble the ball round the cones.

2. Roll the hoop to a partner.

3. Throw and catch the ball with a partner.

4.  Knock the skittles down.

Children in Need

We had a great day fundraising for Children in Need. First we went to  the gym hall as the house captains had some fun stations set up.  After that we went to the toy and book sale. Thank you for all your donations.