Fantastic February!


This month we have been exploring the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Over the last few weeks we have developed a range of skills. On week one, we listened and retold the story to our talking partner. Next, we created a story-map adding key details. The following week we sequenced pictures from the story and wrote sentences to match each picture. After that, we explored features of a letter and pretended to be Goldilocks and wrote a letter apologising to the three bears. Next we couldn’t believe it…Goldilocks actually visited our classroom and broke one of our chairs! We made wanted posters and learned to use a conjunction ‘and’ to join our ideas together. For example- Goldilocks has blonde hair and a blue dress. Finally we made porridge and wrote a porridge recipe. Those of us who wanted to try porridge had a taste and said it tasted ‘just right’. What a great time we have had with lots of fantastic learning taking place.



Primary 1 have been exploring the work of Van Gogh. We looked at his famous painting ‘The Starry Night’ and discussed what we liked and didn’t like about it. Some children shared they like the swirls, the moon and the stars. Others didn’t like the dark colours used. Robyn said the painting made her feel calm due to the blue shades. We had a go at creating our own starry night using paint mixed with flour to create a thick texture. We used swirl lines and thin brush strokes. Our next step will be to add on a village with black paint,

People Who Help Us

We had a very exiting and educational visit from the fire fighters based at Barrhead firestation, Eddie, Mark, Barry, Cammy and Stevie. We learned about all the ways they keep us safe and got to see their uniforms up close as Mrs Burnett and Miss Payne dressed as fire fighters. Zach asked how the hose works and we were lucky enough to all get a turn of testing the hose out. We added what we have learned to a jamboard which is attached below.

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