January in P1.2

People Who Help Us

We are learning about people who help us in our local community and are interested to find out about different jobs. Mr Cummings, our janitor, and PC Lorraine visited p1 to talk about their role in the community. If any parents work in Barrhead and would like to talk about their job please get in touch as we would love to have you in.

Languages Week

During languages week we have been mark making Chinese numbers and symbols.


This term in PE, we are developing our gymnastic skills. On our first week, we learned to make some basic body shapes- y shape, t shape, straight shape, star shape and tuck. We also explored different ways to move our body across the bench . We applied our learning to create a sequence where we moved across the bench and held a body shape. Once we reached the end of the bench we finished our sequence with a jump,


We can identify the five senses: touch, see, hear, smell and taste. We have had lots of fun learning about how our senses work and especially enjoyed using our sense of touch to detect information. We were blindfolded and used our sense of touch to identify the object given to us. We used language such as hard, soft, rough, smooth to describe the object and we all guessed correctly! We also used our sense of touch to work out which letters or numbers were in the tuff tray.

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