Apps for Good Showcase

This week 10 of our P7 pupils were selected to represent Bubsy Primary at  the Apps for Good Scottish Event in Edinburgh. We were the only primary school pupils to appear at the event. This was a great opportunity to showcase our app desinging skills from Skills Academy. There were high school and college teams from all over the country with so many great app ideas.

All of the pupils, Apps for Good team and business professionals were very impressed by our skills, knowledge and confidence.

Here’s a little summary by some of the pupils who attended:

Zara – “We all went on the train, from Busby to Glasgow and then another train to Edinburgh from Glasgow.  We walked to the hall where the conference was being held, and Mr. Milliken got everyone there quickly with his excellent navigation skills! We set up our boards and then went to different workshops.”

Bayley – “We all did different workshops and my workshop was by a company called CivTech. We were given different scenarios, such as air pollution, and to solve this problem we thought of making an air pollution app.”

Amy – “My workshop was with a business man who told us about pitching an idea. We had to pick a company and write a pitch for it. My group chose Fairtrade because we had learned a lot about it in school. I enjoyed doing this workshop and it helped me as I learned a lot of skills.”

Zara – “After lunch, we had to showcase our app to some invited guests. Lots of people asked challenging questions, but everyone was very impressed, especially since we were the only primary school participating and we had made a prototype that worked! We also had the chance to look at other pupils’ apps from around Scotland and voted for the best one.”

More to come…

all our Apps for Good peers

Team photo

the monster from monsterjobs
all set to present

the monster from monsterjobs
presenting our apps to business professionals
presenting our apps to business professionals
presenting our apps to business professionals
presenting our apps to business professionals
Board ready
Ready to mingle
All set for the conference
Setting up our presentation boards
arriving in Edinburgh Waverley