Topical Science – New Planets Brought To You By The STEM Team

7 New Earth sized planets have been discovered orbiting a star in the Trappist 1 System. Only 3 of the planets have been marked with a “Habitable Sticker”. But Scientists think all 7 could hold life depending on their individual properties. We all have different opinions on the chances that these planets hold life. So here’s what we think.

Matthew L – I do not think there will be life on these planets, but it is possible.

Mark T –  I think there will be life because one of the planets are about the same distance from the sun and they have similar appearences to Earth.

Sam S – I think that none of them will hold life. Earth is too unique.

This is a video you can watch about the new planets:

Image result for new planets

Sonic Pi

this afternoon our STEM team were exploring digital music production on the Raspberry Pi. We used Sonic Pi software to code the melody for Frere Jacques. We’ve got the melody but will need to write the rhythm next time.


Pour code


Raspberry pi

Safer Internet Day 2017

How safe is your family online?

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet Day. This is an initiative to promote greater awareness of the dangers in online activity. At Busby Primary we are discussing with pupils how we use the internet, what they enjoy about using it and how they can keep themselves safe while using it.


Do your children have access to Playstation and Xbox networks?

Do they have mobile devices with access to social networks?

Is your Netflix or Amazon TV age-restricted?


It’s well worth discussing internet use and best practise with your family; here are some weblinks to help:


Here’s to a better, safer internet!