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What P7b have been learning this week!

We have been very busy in P7b this week!

As part of our WWII topic we have been learning about different sources of evidence and evaluating the quality/reliability of the sources.  We focused this around the sub topic of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

This week in P.E we started basketball, which was great fun!  We focused on footwork, passing and dribbling.  We learned how to do a jump-stop and a pivot (footwork), which allows us to move quickly around the court away from the opposition.  We learned how to do a chest and bounce pass (passing).  There were a number of steps in order to complete each pass properly.  1. Position of arms. 2. Position of feet. 3. Transferring weight to generate power.                     4. Direction of the ball.  When learning about dribbling we had to make sure we were pushing the ball down with our fingers and not slapping the ball.





Chest Pass


Bounce Pass
Great Skills

Next Week we are transferring all our skills into a game situation!!