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Library visit

We made our first visit of the year to Busby Library to all choose a book for personal reading.

When we arrived back at the school, we were desperate to start reading our books… could hear a pin drop we were so engrossed in our books!

Science Investigations

Today in science we have been learning all about the properties of substances. There were many great discussions had within the classroom about what is liquid, solid or gas and we learned about the changing states.

We finished off the lesson by carrying out investigations of our own.

WW2 Presentations

Over the last 2 weeks the boys and girls were tasked with either creating a PowerPoint or poster on one of the following WW2 topics:

  • Research what the blackout was and the effect it had on people.
  • Compare and contrast fashions of Wartime Britain and Britain today.
  • Research how WW2 affected your local area.
  • Research your family tree and find out which family members were alive in WW2. Can you find out anything else about them? Did any of them serve in the army?

We all enjoyed listening to each other’s presentations,asking questions and learning from each other.

Well done P7a!








Aerobic routines

We are currently focusing on how to improve our fitness in PE. Today during PE we worked in groups of 4 and made up our own aerobics routine which was to contain at least 6 different moves. My group choose to start our routine by doing star jumps, burpees, an impressive lift and put dance moves in it too. After the routines were finished we were asked to comment on what we liked about the routine and what we could maybe do to make them even better. Fitness is important because it is important to stay fit and healthy. I really enjoyed making up the routines today. Stay tuned for the fitness videos!

Aidan p7a

Awful Auntie

I really enjoyed Awful Auntie. I thought it was funny and very entertaining. We had to eat our lunch earlier than usual because of the starting time. After lunch we got the bus and drove to the Theatre Royal in the centre of town. I think everyone really enjoyed the performance, it was based on the book written by David Walliams. There was only 5 actors in the play playing the characters and they were brilliant. I had a great time and I would give the show 5 stars!!!

Sereena p7a