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Virgin Money final count

This morning we counted up the final takings for the Virgin Money Make £5 grow campaign and the year group made a fantastic profit of £599!!! Well done to everyone (including parents 🙂 ) who took part and spent lots of time at home making their wonderful crafts and games. Extra well done to “The Winter Wonders”  who made the most profit of £92.80 .

Writing a script

This afternoon we worked in groups of 3 and 4 to write scripts. We were tasked with writing a short script to a short film (1 min in length) to show either what could happen to a civilian during the blitz or the journey of an evacuee to their new home. On Thursday we will use the green screens to film our scripts and then i movie to cut and edit our films. 

Learning Workshop

This morning we held our first learning workshop. It was great to see so many relatives and we really enjoyed participating in the math games with them. We were teaching them how to play loop card fractions and then we had stations which showed off our knowledge of 3D shape, angles and multiplication strategies.

Let the selling commence!!!

All the stalls were stocked and ready for selling at break today. Nearly everyone made sales which was great to see on the first day. There was lots of excitement from the other pupils when they saw what was on sale so we expect lots of demand tomorrow.


Using math skills to build gas mask boxes

We used our knowledge of measurement to measure out in cm the size of a gas mask box. We were able to follow instructions given from a template and convert it using a scale to draw the correct dimensions. It was harder than we thought it would be but lots of good team work and communication allowed us to finally build them!

Virgin Money information for parents

This letter was sent out with all children today but in case it hasn’t made it home, please see below information on “Virgin Money – Make £5 Grow Campaign.”

Virgin Money – Make £5 Grow

Dear Parent/Carer

Primary 7 are working with Virgin Money on the “Make £5 Grow” project.  The project encourages school children to have a real experience of how a business operates and develop the employability skills that employers are looking for all whilst having a lot of fun.

Earlier this session, all P7 pupils made their pitches to the Virgin Money “Dragons” in their chosen groups.  Each of the proposals was Christmas themed and included ideas of designing and manufacturing Christmas decorations, prize giveaways and board games. The standard of each presentation was outstanding and the members of staff from Virgin Money were very impressed. Virgin Money has provided a £5 loan to all pupils to now make their business proposals a reality.  This money has been given to our Primary 7 pupils today.

As part of this project, Primary 7 have taken part in a number of financial education lessons aimed at teaching them the skills required for budgeting, profit and loss.  They now have the challenge of creating their products, sticking to a £5 budget, keeping receipts to create an expense account and meeting a deadline to sell these products in school and at home next week.  Pupils from Primary 1-6 will be able to purchase items during break and lunchtimes should they wish to.

We would like to invite our Primary 7 Parents and Carers to a special showcase on Wednesday 12th December at 9.30am where you may choose to purchase some of the Primary 7 products as part of your last minute Christmas Shopping.  These stalls will also be open to our Nursery Parents and Carers as they join us for our Nativity Performance later that morning.

All money should be collected in school by Monday 17th December.  At the end of the projects, after the original loan has been paid back to Virgin Money, the Primary 7 pupils will be able to choose how to spend their profits on as a reward for all of their hard work.  Please keep a look out on twitter for updates next week.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Forsyth and Miss Morgan

P7 Teachers

Comparing clothes now to WW2 days

Today we presented our finished presentations to the class about WW2 clothing. We researched and created a power point with a partner which analysed and compared clothes made and worn during WW2 with clothes now a days. We learnt that there is a huge difference from style, length, material and choice now compared to the war era.