Persuasive Writing

We came back in after lunch to find that our chairs had gone on strike and they had left us the following letter…

Dear Primary Seven,

Blue Chair here. I shall keep this brief. I simply cannot work for you any longer.

Firstly, there is one thing in this world that I cannot stand and yet you’re just constantly inflicting it on me. I see you, glancing from side – to – side to see if anyone is watching you. Committing this heinous crime and then blaming the person sat next to you. I don’t think I can cope any longer with you passing wind.

Secondly, please take my feelings into consideration when you swing back onto my two legs. It feels as if my legs are going to snap in half. This is incredibly sore and painful for me and this is another reason for me being out of action today!

Moreover, what do you carry in your rucksacks? Rocks? As you sling your bag over my back, you have no thought for the aches that I harbour. I am an overworked and uncared for chair.

Well, let me tell YOU, Primary Seven, so long as I exist, I will not put up with this treacherous life any longer.

Signing off for a fresher smelling life,

Blue Chair

We were forced to sit and lean on the tables and crouch, lie and sit on the floor to write a persuasive letter back to our chairs to encourage them to come back to us. We have been learning about using persuasive language, rhetorical questions, emphasis and more in our persuasive writing and we ensured we used all the techniques we could to lure them back!