Category Archives: Community

HOMEWORK W/B. 24-02-20

Homework 24-02-20

Please find above homework tasks to be completed for Friday.

Food Bank Collection

Please see a note below from the Pupil Council, Mrs Stirling and Mrs Phee.

The Pupil Council Committee have organised to collect non-food items for our local food bank. We are hoping you can raid your cupboards and donate some essential  items for those in crisis.

If you have any of the following  items we would be very grateful:

  • Household items – laundry liquid detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Baby supplies – nappies, baby wipes and non-perishable baby food.
  • Toiletries – deodorant, toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand wipes.

Some information of our plans have previously been shared, therefore we have already received some donations.

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to this worthwhile cause.

Collection date: by Friday 27th March to Mrs Stirling’s room.

The Pupil Council Committee

Parental Engagement

The workshops in the poster above will be run in partnership with Julie Douglas, our Family First link worker. These will take place in school on the above dates/times.

We kindly extend a personal invitation to all our families. Julie can offer guidance on many aspects of parenting and family life.

Thank you – I wish you a great week! With thanks, Miss M 🙂


HOMEWORK W/B 17.02.20

Homework 17-02-20

Please find above homework tasks to be completed for Friday.

With thanks, Miss M 🙂

Parent Pay

Please note  that Parent Pay is now live for you to pay the balance of our trip to Eastwood Theatre. There were some technical difficulties over the weekend which have now been rectified.

Beat the Street 2020 

Today your child has been sent home with information about the above.

Beat the Street is a physical activity challenge across ERC which begins on Wednesday 19th February.

Local schools, workplaces and community groups are competing to see who can walk, run, scoot or cycle the furthest before the Wednesday 1st April.

We have been allocated ‘fobs’ for staff, families and pupils to collect points to our school account.

Pupil fobs are green and have already been pre-registered to the school’s account and activated by the Beat the Street team.

Family fobs in the form of credit card style need to be registered  online  with the card number if you wish to take part at home.

There will be ‘Beat Boxes’ on lamp posts around the community (e.g. bottom of the lane) for us to tap the fob and collect points. More information can be found on the maps sent home. 

Please note that it is not enough to scan a random box – you will need to go between them to gain points for us!

I’m sure this challenge will provide many hours of family fun!

Good luck!

Rag Bag Collection

Rag Bag Collection

The ‘Rag Bag’ recycling scheme has been developed to provide regular fundraising for schools in Scotland.

The scheme increases awareness about textile recycling and by increasing recycling rates we can help the environment by ensuring less material goes to landfill.

Help raise funds for the school with textile recycling.

Items we collect

  • Wearable clothing
  • Paired shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts

Please return bags to school by Monday 17th February. You can bring in bags before this date.

Thank you for your support!

Mrs Ali, Mrs Macintyre

Eco Committee


W/B. 09-12-19

This week, please find some dates for your diary. 🙂

P1/2 Nativity Performances 

We look forward to welcoming  you this week on the morning of Tuesday 10th December and the afternoon of Wednesday 11th December for this year’s performance of ‘The Nativity’.

The children have worked hard to improve their performance skills and can’t wait to see you in the audience!

Polling Day

A reminder that the school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 12th December. The nursery, however remains open as usual.

Christmas Jumper Day

‘Christmas Jumper Day’ will take place on Friday 13th December. Pupils may come to school dressed in a festive top but school uniform must also be worn. An optional donation which will go to ‘Save the Children’ charity would be appreciated.

With thanks from the Pupil Council.

A busy week ahead – have a good one!

HOMEWORK W/B. 25-11-19

Homework 25-11-19

Please find attached above  homework tasks to be completed this week and to be handed-in on Friday. Thanks.

Library Trip Reminder

A gentle reminder that if you are able to accompany us on our walking trip to the library this Friday 29th November – we’d greatly appreciate it.

We leave school at 1:05pm and will return approx. 2:30pm.

Please let me know if you are available via your child’s communication diary or at the door at pick-up time.

Thanks and have a great week!

Miss M 🙂


HOMEWORK W/B. 18-11-19

Homework 18-11-19

Please find attached above  homework tasks to be completed this week and to be handed-in on Friday.

Please also find below some upcoming events/dates for your diary.

Beep Beep Day!

Braidbar’s Junior Road Safety Officers have organised a ‘Beep Beep Day’ on Wednesday 20th November. This is to raise money for Brake the road safety charity.

On this day pupils can come to school wearing a stripy top/bottoms to represent a zebra crossing. It is not a ‘dress as you please’ so please ensure if you choose to wear a stripy top/bottoms that you are wearing the rest of your uniform. The JRSOs would appreciate it if you could please bring a 50p donation.

Classes will be participating in fun activities to engage children with road safety basics. The whole school will also walk for a mile around the school to put their road safety learning into action!

There will also be traffic light shortbread biscuits being sold at tuck on this day, if you wish to buy one but this is entirely optional.

Read, Write Count 

The aim of the Read, Write, Count initiative by the Scottish Book Trust is to provide all P2 and P3 learners with resources to enhance literacy and numeracy skills. You might remember your child receiving a similar Bookbug bag at nursery and in P1.

To build excitement amongst the pupils, we are holding a ‘P2 Bag Gifting’ event and invite you to join us for some activities on Friday 22nd November at 2:15pm.

We hope to see you then!

P2 Walking Trip to Giffnock Library

On Friday 29th November we have planned to visit Giffnock Library at 1:30pm. We will we walking there and will leave the school at approx. 1:00pm.

If you are available to join us on our walking trip then could you please let me know via the communication diary.

As always, thank  you very much for your continued support.

Have a great week!

Miss M 🙂


HOMEWORK W/B. 04-11-19

Homework 04-11-19

Please find attached above  homework tasks to be completed this week. Please hand-in completed on Friday.

Thanks for your continued support.

Miss McCaskie 🙂


ERC’s Fairy-tale Writing Competition

Calling all budding authors! Write a short story under 200 words.

If you wish to enter then please use the attached online entry form embedded at the bottom of this post.

Entries sent electronically to Mary Dickie by Sunday 10th November.

Winning entries will receive 2 tickets to see a panto performance of ‘Cinderella’ at Eastwood Park Theatre.

Good luck!

ERCL – Christmas Panto Short Story Competition