Week Beginning 23.03.20


Good Morning Parents/Carers,                                                                                   There’s no denying that this is a very different Monday however we will get through this together!! My priority is that you are all safe, healthy and happy. As a family, you will have daily routines, ideas, activities and ‘things that you just need to do’ but I will continue to provide quality learning experiences across the curriculum on a daily basis. There will  be a balance of screen time and active learning  but  please do not feel pressure to complete all of the learning tasks/suggestions. Use them in a way that works best for all of you. Your child should have 3 jotters including one for Literacy, one for Numeracy and one for everything else. They should also have login details for GLOW, Sumdog, Education City and Code.org.

Good Morning P3a,                                                                                                             I hope you all had a great sleep last night and you’re ready to learn from home. Although we can’t see each other, I am thinking about all of you and we’ll be able to communicate through this blog and Microsoft Teams. Please promise me that you’ll listen to your family and help out in the house as much as you can!

I’ll put up a blog post every morning at 9am, which will detail the learning for that day/week. Tasks that don’t required further details or submission can be found here. MT means Microsoft Teams and will require your child to access it for P3a by following the steps below………………………..

Log into GLOW (details are at the back of every ones  Communication Diary)

Click on Microsoft Teams

Primary 3a  2019-20

Literacy:   Look at the front cover of your book and read the blurb at the back. Using your new literacy jotter, PREDICT what you think is going to happen in the book.  You can either write or draw what you think will happen at the beginning, middle and end (in your new Literacy jotter) or design a comic strip to show this.                                       Authors- Katie and the sheep

Illustrators- The Riddle Stone

Poets- Underground Adventure

Num and Maths:                                                                                                                    Mental Maths: All groups to complete Sumdog Challenge this week.  Written Maths: Please access your 4 a day on Microsoft Teams (MT).

Art: Draw a picture of you and your family doing something fun (You can do this on paper or in your third jotter).


Mrs Brown