
Goooooooooood Morning and welcome back you fabulous 5s! I am so excited to hear how you all are and how you spent your Easter break from home!

As usual, please find your home learning experiences in the document below along with your spelling words for this week.

Home Learning – 20.04.20

Spelling Words – 20.04.20

And as always, if there’s anything I can help with me please feel free to contact me through any of the comment features of google classroom or you can email me directly using the outlook tile on your glow launch pad at gw17macintyrelisa@glow.sch.uk

I’ll be in our Hub School today and so might not be as active on the comments. I will reply to anything as soon as I possibly can.

Have a fantastic day and please get outside and enjoy the sunshine if you can 🙂

Mrs Macintyre x