Category Archives: Literacy

Doctor Doctor Sentences

P2b have been creating ‘healthy’ sentences. Children were given ‘sick’ sentences which had a variety of missing capital letters, missing full stops and spelling mistake.  The doctor was called!

The children had to correct these sentences as part of the target for the day. This target allows children focus on improving their writing and self edit thier work. As the children become more proficient during their play activities, it is likely to filter into their weekly writing lessons.

World Book Day

Primary 1 had great fun celebrating World Book day – even if it was a bit late due to the snow!

On Thursday we had an author visit us – Jennifer Gray who wrote ‘The Adventures of Ermine – who is very determined” was very interesting and we all enjoyed listening to her and asked some excellent questions.

On Friday we took part in our whole school World Book Day assembly and we wore our Goldilocks and the Three Bears masks.

Ava, Ryan, Emily and Kayla read out their writing about Goldilocks.

Bookbug Library Visit

Primary 1 went on an adventure to The Foundry today.  We all enjoyed going on the bus to the library to get our P1 Bookbug bags.  Heather read us three stories -‘Little Owl’s Egg,’ ‘The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee,’ and ‘Gorilla Loves Vanilla.’  Everyone listened well and enjoyed the different books.  We then voted on our favourite – it was ‘Little Owl’s Egg.’


We enjoy writing stories every week.  Today we wrote about about catching a ball.  We went out to the playground and practised throwing a ball to each other.  We were very good at it.

We drew a detailed picture and our teacher scribed our story for us.

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