Class Blog January 2016

Social Studies

During our Financial Education topic we have been learning about money. What we use money for, how to keep money safe and what life would be like if we had no money.  The children have been discussing fundraising and researched various charities including Food4Africa and Yorkhill Children’s Charity.   After looking at familiar logos and slogans they created their own.  They designed posters which will be displayed throughout the school to promote our fundraising event ‘Bring 5, Save 5’.

‘I enjoyed making logos and slogans’ Kate McK

‘Designing the money boxes was fun’ Dan

‘We learned how important it is to remember about children who do not have the same Rights as us’ Charlotte




The children are focusing on the SHANARRI wheel. Discussing each indicator as a class and thinking about events linked to their own lives.  We remember Rights when talking about SHANARRI and are completing an individual wheel based on our own personal experiences.

‘We are learning what the letters stand for; Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included’ Kate C

‘Under safe I have written that I feel safe with my family and friends’ Connor

‘I know that to be healthy we need to eat healthy food’ Talhah

‘This helps people have a good life’ Ewan



Watching Hectors world, a visit from PC McDowall and through discussions we have been learning how to stay safe online.

‘We know not to put our personal information into the computer without asking our mum, dad or teacher first’ Cameron M

‘If we put all of our details into the internet without permission it will spread across the whole wide world’ Harris

From this we have safely been using our research skills to find out about different charities.


In science the class are enjoying learning about sources of energy.  We have been watching clips, asking questions, reading science books and looking at different types of objects.

‘We have been learning about sound energy, light energy and heat energy’ Nathan

‘I discovered that fire has heat, sound and light energy.  I go camping quite a lot and we make a fire and I hear the burning sounds, it gives heat and it gives light in the dark’ Moya

Art and Design

The children have been creating pictures of windy weather scenes and Scottish animals using fine black pens.  Our focus is to teach the visual element of line.

‘I liked learning about the Highland cattle, they are big and furry’ Eva