Our Rainforest Learning!

Primary Two have been learning about ‘The Rainforest’ and have used our knowledge to write an imaginative story.   Caris scared us by describing a spider being eaten by a boa constrictor, Logan described the noises you might hear in a rainforest and everyone used facts to make the stories more believable.  We have explored the forest floor and the understory layers in our learning and look forward to looking at the canopy and emergent layers.  In Science we have been learning about the senses and we have linked this to all of the things you might see in a rainforest.  We all agree that a rainforest is full of interesting things.


Rosie says, “I would like to see a boa constrictor but I don’t want to keep one as a pet!”

Evan disagrees, “I would like to see a boa constrictor AND keep it as a pet!”

In I.C.T we have been creating a fact sheet about the rainforest while learning skills such as saving documents, editing text and copy and paste.

We are loving the topic and have a lot more to learn.