At this time of year it is important to consider and prepare for severe weather conditions for the coming term.

Previous experience of severe weather over the last few years has presented an opportunity to utilise our Severe Weather Contingency Plan to quickly inform pupils, parents and staff of an imminent school closure. The feedback we have received to date on the implementation of this plan has been very positive.

The following information is a summary of the Severe Weather Contingency plan:

In severe weather conditions where there is the likelihood of the school closing early or of not opening, we will communicate information to parents by:

  • Email
  • SMS text message
  • Posting on the school Twitter feed
  • Posting on the school website
  • Telephone for pupils who require additional help travelling to and from school

Parents should take the following preparatory action:

  • Ensure that contact details are kept up to date, especially mobile telephone numbers.
  • Discuss with your son or daughter, a plan of action should school be closed early, travel disrupted or the school not opening
  • Enlist the help of relatives or neighbours if there is a likelihood that you will be unable to meet or supervise your son or daughter should the school be closed
  • Follow the school Twitter feed (
  • Check the school website regularly

The school will be open as normal unless a notice is posted on the school website. This information will be updated regularly during periods of severe weather.

In the circumstances outlined above, pupils are advised to visit departmental websites which can be accessed below. Each department has prepared instructions labelled either “Severe Weather Contingency” or “Absence Procedures” that gives information on work that should be undertaken. Further information will be found on the Microsoft Teams page for each class.


Yours sincerely

Gerry O’Neil

Head Teacher