What is our Pastoral Care system?

All the young people are assigned to a Pastoral Care teacher on entering our school. Pastoral Care provides the link in the educational chain between home and various departments in our school. All teachers in a school have a clear responsibility for the children`s welfare. It is the Pastoral Care teacher who has an `all round` picture of an individual pupil`s progress. The Pastoral Care teacher also prepares a structured Pastoral Care programme to help all the pupils at certain stages of development. Pastoral Care staff are therefore engaged in a number of important tasks in addition to their teaching duties including monitoring progress, attendance, attainment, well being, etc. Those identified as being at risk are identified and every encouragement is given to achieve their full potential.

Each week, pupils attend their PSHE lesson. During this lesson pupils are taught about a variety of subjects which will help their Health and Wellbeing. Information about each year group’s PSHE lessons can be found in the PSHE newsletter which can be found by clicking on the link below:
