Morning Prayers

Monday, 5th March – Friday, 9th March 2018

Monday, 5th March 2018:             2Kings 5:1-15                      Luke 4:24-30

Hospitality is one of Scotland’s virtues. We feel it’s important to welcome outsiders. In our first reading at Mass from the second book of Kings the prophet Elisha heals a foreigner, the general Naaman, in the cleansing Jordan. In Luke’s Gospel Jesus annoys the worshippers of his local synagogue by praising non-Jews. How welcoming are we to outsiders?

 Our Father …

Tuesday, 6th March 2018:                       Daniel 3:25.34-43   Matthew 18:21-35

In the readings at Mass today the prophet Daniel is in exile with no supporting structures – only whole-hearted contrition in seeking God’s protection. Lent is a time for reflecting and an awareness of our sinfulness and seeking forgiveness from God and others. However in the gospel of Matthew Peter wants to put limits on forgiveness. Seven times? Jesus says Seventy-seven. God’s forgiveness will follow only if we show whole-hearted forgiveness to others. Today do I need to forgive or be forgiven?

Our Father …

Wednesday, 7th March 2018:     Deut. 4:1.5-9                        Matthew 5:7-19

 Today we celebrate the feast of St. Perpetua and St. Felicity.

Perpetua, a young woman with a new-born son, and Felicity, a pregnant slave girl, died at Carthage in 203. They were arrested with their catechist and several other African catechumens. Perpetua resisted her father’s appeals to renounce her faith. While in prison they were baptised and Felicity gave birth to a daughter. Thrown to wild beasts and then put to the sword, they died in the embrace of the sign of peace.

‘Tae see ourselves as ithers see us!’ Burns and Moses may have something in common. Moses would like people to be attracted to the community by its wisdom, prudence and keeping the commandments. In the Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus confirms this advice. How do we see ourselves? What attracts others to our community of St. Ninian’s? or to us as individuals?

 Our Father …

Thursday, 8th March 2018:                      Jer. 723-28               Luke 11:14-23

 Today’s feast is St. John of God – 1495-1550

After leading a dangerous life as a soldier, and wishing to devote the rest of his life to good works, he devoted himself to caring for the sick. He founded a hospital at Granada in Spain and with followers set up the order of Hospitaller of Saint John of God.

Jeremiah speaks out powerfully, complaining that people stubbornly refuse to listen. He doesn’t mince his words. Jesus too speaks out powerfully, but with calm unrelenting argument. He has just healed a man of dumbness. Am I too dumb to speak out when required? Who or what can heal my dumbness?

 Our Father … 

 Friday, 9th March 2018:                Hosea 14:2-10        Mark 12:28-34

Today’s feast is St. Frances of Rome.

She was a dedicated wife and mother who ministered to the sick and poor. She established a lay community of women to serve the poor.

‘Come back to me!’ is a popular hymn based on the prophet Hosea. His appealing message is: God is compassionate, amazingly forgiving and ‘loving with all his heart!’ The Gospel of Mark we hear a lawyer questions Jesus about the first commandment: Jesus says, ‘Love God and love your neighbour! … with all your heart!’ Simple! Let’s enjoy our weekend by loving one another as best we can!

 Our Father …





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