Jean Vanier

Jean Vanier took as his inspiration the biblical passage from the Beatitudes that declares that the poor are “blessed.” L’Arche believes that every person is blessed with important gifts to offer to others and that we are called to create a society in which each one’s gifts can be given and recognized. L’Arche communities reflect the cultural and religious make-up of the locales where they were founded. Thus, while in France L’Arche drew largely from a Roman Catholic population, Canadian community have welcomed people of various Christian denominations and also sometimes people of Jewish, Muslim or other faiths as well as people with no faith affiliation.

Jean Vanier and L’Arche

Jean Vanier: A Man and his Vision

Jean Vanier:  Our Need to Belong

Jean Vanier: Becoming Human

Jean Vanier and L’Arche Friends Meet Pope Francis


Exploring Joy

Ancient religion and modern science affirm that joy and happiness come from the practice of gratitude, the presence of hope, the acceptance of challenge and suffering, being loved, living with authenticity, the practice of kindness to oneself and others and embracing one’s own vulnerability and sufficiency.

Watch Brené Brown in The Power of Vulnerability as she explores the roots of joy (20 minutes)

Power of Vulnerability

Which of these quotes resonate with you? Which challenge you?

“In time of care and sorrow, keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” Dietrich Bonhofer

“Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.” Leo Tolstoy

“Our need is not for pleasure but for joy – a deep sense of fulfilment that not only never leaves us but actually increases with the passage of time. Fun is living for ourselves; joy comes from living for others, giving our time and love to a purpose greater than ourselves.” – Eknath Easwaran

Inspiration from Sport