Special Services

We are hosting and attending a number of events during the month of March. We hope to share these wonderful events with our pupils, families and friends.

Details below.

Catholic Leadership Meeting  3,40pm Monday 12 March.

We encourage all pupils who are involved in the faith life of the school in any way eg SCIAF, Life, Helping Hands, Youth to Lourdes, Lasallian, Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers etc to come along to this meeting. Very importantly, we would ask them to bring a friend who could become involved but is not yet. The meeting will finish after 4.00pm with a snack.

Station Mass with Bishop Keenan : 7.00pm, Thursday 15 March

Bishop Keenan will celebrate Mass of the parishes served by Saint Ninian’s. This is to promote involvement in the work of the diocese and involvement in the parish. We hope to have a good representation from the school. Please give Mr Bradshaw your name if you would like to represent the school at this important Mass. The Mass will be held in St Cadoc’s Church.  Pupils can make their own way but transport will also leave from the school.

St Joseph’s Day Breakfast.  Monday 19 March 2018.

To mark the Solemnity of St Joseph, St Ninian’s High School will host the St Joseph’s Day Breakfast which will begin at 7.55am with the Prayer for the Intercession of St Joseph. Sr Roseann of the Sisters of the Gospel of Light will speak on the family followed by a short time for discussion. At 8.25am Bishop Keenan will celebrate Mass followed by breakfast which will give parents, friends of the school time to have an informal chat with Bishop John and some Senior Pupils.

St Ninian’s High School Lenten Service , 7.00pm Tuesday 20 March 2018. All pupils, parents, families and friends of the School are invited to come along to this opportunity for preparation for Easter.



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