2018 Month of Prayer

Month of Prayer for the Sick and Caregivers

Please join CHA in making February a Month of Prayer focused on healing and support for those providing care. World Day of the Sick, on Sunday, Feb. 11, is the centerpiece of this initiative – with CHA sharing a daily prayer.
World Day of the Sick

Access CHA’s World Day of the Sick Resources – including a prayer card, video and prayer service.

Join #CatholicHealthPrays on social media to raise our collective voice in prayer! Prayers will be shared via CHA’s Facebook and Twitter pages using the hashtag #CatholicHealthPrays.

Share Your Own Prayers!

Please share prayers for the sick in early February, your World Day of the Sick prayers on the 11th, then prayers for caregivers through the rest of the month. When posting, please use #Catholichealth and also tag CHA so that we can like and share them!


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