Courage, Honesty, and Charity

David Brooks, the best-selling author and New York Times columnist, launched the Legatum Institute’s new Road to Character lecture series.

Courage, honesty, and charity are among the qualities that inspired our civilisation and shaped our world today. Yet these, and other crucial values, are too often missing from today’s public life. In the Road to Character lecture series, inspired by David Brooks’s book of the same name, the Institute is inviting high profile speakers to examine the character trait they most cherish, and its role in their own, and in the nation’s, life.

In the talk he gives,  inspired by his book of the same name, he asks us to confront the meaning of true fulfilment. As we continue in our work to propose a simple but challenging statement of the qualities we seek to develop in our pupils, using key words such as generosity, gratitude, compassionate, loving, active, etc, the content of his talk unfolds our own aim of “improvement in living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common good, forming young men and women in the image and likeness of God”.   

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