Weekly Prayers

Monday 6 November 2017.

This is our first full week in November – the Month of the Holy Souls. At this time, the Church encourages us to pray for our dead particularly for those close to us who may need our prayers as they journey to Heaven. For us as Catholics, the most powerful prayer we have is the Mass and we are fortunate to have Mass at 8.25am each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please make an extra effort to come along and pray for the Holy Souls.

Let us end with an ‘Eternal Rest.’

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and Let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.  Amen

Tuesday 7 November 2017.

In preparation for today, let us spend some time in quiet personal reflection.

We ask God to continue to walk with us in our daily lives, inspiring us to show love, consideration and compassion in everything that we do.

Lord Jesus Christ

Make me a better person

Considerate towards others

Honest with myself

Faithful to you

Help me to find my true vocation in life

And so to find happiness myself

And bring happiness to others.

Hail Mary……

Wednesday 8 November 2017.

Christiaan Barnard was born on this day in 1922. He is famous for pioneering the heart transplant operation. Having transplanted a kidney in 1959, he performed the first heart transplant on December 3rd 1967. Unfortunately, the patient only survived 18 days but, undeterred by this, he carried out his next transplant a year later and the outcome was much better. Imagine if he had not persevered after his first failure? Around 3,500 heart transplants are carried out globally each year and not only the patients’ lives, but also those of their families are improved because of Dr Barnard’s  efforts.

Are you the kind of person to give up easily? Or, do you use a setback to make you stronger? Have faith in God, yourself and your ability to overcome any difficulties that come your way.

Let us pray for the people who need the strength to believe in themselves:

Our Father…..

Thursday 9 November 2017.

Today in the Church calendar, we celebrate the feast of the dedication of The Lateran Basilica in Rome.

It may seem unusual to celebrate a building far away. But this building, was a palace of the first Christian Roman Emperor Constantine (which he gave to the pope in about 311). The building is the most important of all the Churches of Rome. This Church which is the Cathedral of the Pope reminds us that we in Scotland are united through the Pope with all Catholics throughout the World.

Let us pray today for the Church, that all Catholic persons; clergy and lay people stay faithful to the Gospels and continue to build the Kingdom of God

Our Father…..

Friday 10 November 2017.

Today we remember the work of St Leo the Great. He is known as great because of the great struggles and heroic courage he showed in meeting the difficulties of his time, the virtues and the charity he showed to all as he lived out their faith. Leo might guide us to become more effective and holy in our dealings with others.

St Leo the Great is the first born Pope Doctor. His greatness is evident from his roles as peacemaker amidst terror, war, diseases, and famine. Leo believed and trusted in God through the intercession of St Peter, the Rock of the Church, and Jesus Christ.

In today’s prayers we remember the work of all teachers and leaders who have dedicated their lives to helping others.

 Our Father…

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