We are looking for parent volunteers to walk with Primary 5 & Primary 6 to St John’s Church at 11am on Monday morning. Please contact the school office if you are able to help.
Thank you
We are looking for parent volunteers to walk with Primary 5 & Primary 6 to St John’s Church at 11am on Monday morning. Please contact the school office if you are able to help.
Thank you
Father Paul has taken out a licence to flocknote for Lent and we are all able to access this free of charge.
There is a daily Lenten question and within that there is a small daily challenge.
For example, yesterday’s question was:
When you click into it:
Other topics so far have been ‘What is Lent in other languages?’, ‘Why do we call it Lent?’ and ‘When did Lent come about?’. All great for a wee daily Lenten input.
We also get access to Word on Fire Engage video library which could be useful at this time of year too.
Please use the link below to join with your email address and receive the daily link to your inbox.
Spring discos take place on 15th March. Please click on the links below to access permission slips.
During Lent, pupils are warmly invited to attend Mass each Tuesday at 8am in St. John’s Church.
Please drop your child/children at St. John’s Church for 8am, they will be included in our walking bus to get to school.
Text reminders will be sent each Monday asking for a text reply to allow us an indication of walking numbers.
Parents are very welcome to join us.
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Please find Applications for a National Entitlement Card in school bags today. Please complete and return to the school no later than Wednesday 28th February.
Customer First will then arrange for pupils’ photographs to be taken and attached to their application form. There is no need attach a passport photograph.
Yours sincerely
Natalie Fitzsimmons
Head Teacher
Thank you again to all those who attended our 2nd Level Pizza & Numeracy evening. We really appreciated all your useful feedback and please look out for more fantastic evenings to come!
Click here to read our wonderful comments! evaluation of pizza night
Children should wear school uniform and sit with their families in the reserved section of the Church (Front, right)
Dear Parents/Carers,
Diocesan Cluster Masses, Lent 2018
Following the Synod, Paisley Diocese is embarking on a diocesan renewal initiative called, Making All Things New. Copies of Bishop John’s pastoral letter and of an explanatory leaflet have been emailed to all parents and carers
A central idea from the Synod is to create new church cluster areas around the eight high schools of the Diocese, matching the local authority associated primary cluster areas.
The first event in our church cluster is a Lenten Station Mass. This will be held in St. John’s Church, Barrhead, Thursday 15th February, 7.00pm.
Bishop John hopes that there will be involvement of a representative group of pupils at our local Mass. Children from St. Mark’s, St. John’s and St. Thomas’s are invited to participate in the offertory procession.
Please indicate below if you intend to attend this mass.
Yours sincerely
Lindsay Kelly
Principal Teacher
Diocesan Cluster Masses
My child ___________________________________ will be attending the Lenten Station Mass, Thursday 15thFebruary, 7.00pm.
Signed ___________________________________________
As the Read, Write, Count bags aim to support family learning, we are also gathering feedback from parents and carers of children in P2 and P3. .
The survey for parents can be found at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ReadWriteCount17
All parents who fill in this survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a personal Read, Write, Count goodie bag filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.
The deadline for completing this survey is Tuesday 27 February.
Our policy is to promote positive behaviour at all times and build good relationships with the children based on our school values of Love, Faith and Understanding. Moreover, it is incumbent on all staff to ensure fairness, equality and equity at all times regardless of race, gender or ability.
blackwhite flyer 21 Feb 2018pages
Parents, Pupils and Teachers
Are welcome to our
Wednesday 21st February 2018
Please see link above for further information!
As we celebrate Catholic Education Week, I wanted to bring to your attention two Motions put to the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments in support of Catholic Education, and in particular the note that we are marking the Centenary of the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act.
We would like to encourage every MP and MSP to sign the appropriate Motion as a sign of the continuing partnership between Church and Government. I would therefore ask your assistance in encouraging our parents, parishioners, staff and pupils to contact their local MP and MSP to ask if they will be publicly supporting Catholic Education by putting their name to this Motion.
As you will see there are already 8 supporters (including the proposer Donald Cameron) in the Scottish Parliament and 19 in Westminster. We would hope that with the help of our Catholic Education community we could contact all MPs and MSPs and encourage them to sign.
New Year, New Career
The Studio, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow
Thursday 1 February 2018
9.30am for 10.00am until 11.30am
You may have noticed in the media this week that Early Years Scotland, in partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and the Daily Record, has been extensively promoting and advertising our exciting first ever Careers Morning.
Early Years Scotland has been funded by SDS to organise and deliver this event to support the national expansion of the ELC workforce by 2020.
We would like to ask you to share this invitation with anyone you feel may be interested in coming along. The link below can be used to book a FREE space. A crèche (also free) is available, and can be booked when registering.
You would of course be most welcome to come along too if you have time and availability on Thursday 1 February. We would ask that you also follow the link to book a space.
I look forward to welcoming everyone on the day!
Best Wishes,
Jean Carwood-Edwards
Chief Executive
Dear Parents/ Carers,
St Mark’s Primary School will be participating in a Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) activity where we will work with Quality Improvement Officers and Head Teachers from East Renfrewshire Council to evaluate our progress as a school.
As part of the activity, we will be gathering views from staff, pupils and parents.
We would appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete the short line survey which can be accessed via the link below.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any clarification on any of the questions. This questionnaire will be available until 4pm on Thursday.
Friday 2nd of February is the St. Luke’s Family Quiz Night!
Please click below for details:
St Mark’s Swap Shop is collecting Christmas Jumpers to allow for swaps next year. If you have any Christmas jumpers that are likely to be too small for Christmas 2018 and wish to donate them, they can be dropped off in Room 4.
Thank you for your continued support.