
In St. Mark’s Primary we value school uniform because it can:

  • encourage a strong community ethos and pride in the school;
  • promote a positive work ethic, which can lead to raised attainment;
  • ensure children wear appropriate, economical and practical clothing to school;
  • help to reduce the overall cost of living for families and minimise visible differences in socio-economic status;
  • nurture cohesion and promotes good relations between different groups of pupils;
  • foster a spirit of partnership among pupils and staff, between home and school, and between the school and wider community;
  • contribute to security and personal safety.

We are very proud of the school uniform standards in St. Mark’s and are grateful for the support of our families in ensuring that all children adhere to these high standards and expectations. Feedback from our school uniform consultation in 2022 highlighted the important role of uniform in promoting equality, creating a positive ethos and nurturing a sense of belonging. A consistent approach to uniform is an effective way of protecting children from social pressures to dress in a fashionable or expensive way and helps to reduce the overall cost of living for families. We have designed our uniform to ensure that it is practical and affordable for all. Therefore, we ask children and parents to keep to the approved items of uniform detailed below.

School Uniform
•                white shirt

•                school tie

•                black skirt, pinafore, shorts or trousers

•                black school jumper or cardigan

•                 black school shoes or plain black trainers (no logos or coloured trim/soles)

•                waterproof jacket

•                black blazer (optional)

Items with the school badge and coloured trim are available from local school wear outlets however this is not compulsory.

P.E. Uniform
The PE Uniform below should be worn to school on PE days only. Children should not wear their own clothes or different coloured trainers to school.

•                yellow polo shirt

•                plain black tracksuit trousers/shorts (no logos or graphics)

•                plain black sweatshirt

•                plain black trainers

Children who do not have plain black trainers should wear their school shoes to school and bring their trainers in a bag to change into for PE. For health and safety reasons fingernails should be short and well-trimmed (false nails are not permitted in school), long hair must be suitably tied back. All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed.


Important points to remember when purchasing uniform:

  • Our children play and learn outdoors every day. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for the weather. All pupils should bring a waterproof jacket every day.
  • Footwear should be robust and suitable for wet weather – this can include sturdy trainers. All footwear must be plain black, including the soles with no additional colour. Canvas baseball boots (for example Converse) are not permitted for PE or every day school wear.
  • In extreme weather wellies/snow boots may be necessary – in those cases, your child should bring a change of shoes for the classroom.
  • Untied shoe laces are a trip hazard – Velcro should be on all shoes unless your child is able to tie their laces independently.
  • Shirts can be long or short sleeved and should always be tucked into trousers or skirts.

 Help with the cost of school uniform

There are a variety of ways that you can get help with the cost of school uniform. You may be eligible for a clothing grant of £120 per primary school child and £150 per secondary school child. You may also be able to claim a Best Start Grant School Age Payment. The payment of £294.70 can help with the costs of a child starting primary 1. More information regarding these payments is available online at Clothing grants and free school meals – East Renfrewshire Council

We are always keen to support our families. If we can be of any assistance in helping you to access uniform and clothing, please contact us via SchoolMail@st-marks.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

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