Our February Newsletter is now available to view.
Tag Archives: – Achievement
January Neswletter
Our January Newsletter is now available to view.
January Newsletter
Please click on the “about us” tab to view our January newsletter.
September Newsletter
Our September newsletter will be in the school bags today. You can view it online by following the link below.
Forthcoming Events
SCIAF Update
On Friday 18th March we held a fun day to raise money for SCIAF. This was a non uniform day and children were involved in lots of fun events. Our SCIAF total has been boosted by an amazing amount and is now in excess of £3000! Thank you so much to all our generous St Cadoc’s families.
Keep bringing in those “wee boxes” please. Our final total will be announced at the end of the week.
Thanks again!
March Newsletter
Our March newsletter will be coming home in the school bags today. Follow the link below to view.
SCIAF “Wee Box” Appeal
February Newsletter
Our February Newsletter is out now and should be in your child’s bag today. Remember school is closed to pupils on Friday 12th, Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February.
Our January Newsletter is out now. Please follow the link to view.
June Newsletter
June Newsletter out now
Our SCIAF total now stands at an amazing £6218. THANK YOU!!!
Easter Egg Collection
December Newsletter
Please click on the link to access this month’s newsletter. Paper copies in school bags today.
Star Pupil!
We are very proud of one of our P7 boys, Tommy Zing, who is appearing in “Lord of the Flies” at the Theatre Royal this week. Break a leg Tommy!
June Newsletter Out Now!
We are Winners!
Fairtrade Award
St Cadoc’s has been awarded FairAchiever status by the Fairtrade Foundation. This is the equivalent to the Fairtrade Schools Award. The new scheme is broken down into three stages. These are FairAware, FairActive and the full award of FairAchiever. Well done St Cadoc’s!