Category Archives: RERC

P4 Mass of Enrolment & Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mass of Enrolment:

On Sunday 8th March we will have our enrolment Mass for P4 during 10 o’clock Mass. Children should sit with their family and are asked to wear full school uniform. Although we would encourage you to attend the 10am  as our children will be responsible for the liturgy, you can choose to attend any Mass during the weekend.  All children intending to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion should attend a Mass during this weekend.If your child is not preparing for the Sacraments, they are very welcome to attend and receive a blessing.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

The Sacrament of First Reconciliation will be celebrated in St. Cadoc’s Church on Monday 9th March at 7pm. The children will sit together as a group and will receive individual Confession and absolution during the service.

Thank you once again for your support as we work together to prepare the children during this special time.

St Joseph’s Parish Mission

St Joseph’s Parish Mission 2nd,3rd & 4th March We would like to invite everyone to our Parish Mission being held in the church between 7pm – 9pm each evening from Monday to Wednesday. Hosting the Mission are Sister Sally Hyland (Sisters of St John of God in Dublin) and Father Bernard Fox (Mill Hill Missionaries)
who are both excellent speakers.

theme is God is Love.

There will be a presentation and talk each evening. Further
information will be available on the St Joseph’s Clarkston Parish Facebook page
and weekly parish bulletin.

Reminder- P7 Mass of Enrolment

On Sunday 8th December, we will have our enrolment Mass for the Sacrament of Confirmation during the 10 o’clock Mass. Children should sit with their parents and sponsor and are asked to wear school uniform (a white shirt and tie). Although we encourage you to attend the 10am Mass as our children will be responsible for the liturgy you can choose to attend any mass during the weekend. All children intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year should participate in this Mass.

Children will write their Letter of Enrolment in school and these will be handed to Fr Eoin via the school.

If your child is not preparing for Reception of this Sacrament, they are very welcome to attend and receive a blessing.

Thank you once again for your support as we work together to prepare the children during this special time.