First Year Computing Science

A view widely held by parents, pupils and employers is that young people should know about and have the practical skills to use computers in everyday life. Information and Communication Technology allows young people to extend their knowledge of computing through theory and practical work. It encourages development of practical skills using computers which has become increasingly important in most areas of employment.

What is in the Course?

Creating a computer game – This unit looks at how computer games are made. Pupils investigate genres of games and use editors to create levels for games which they and their classmates can play and evaluate. Pupils also look at the legal and social aspects of video games.

Building a Website – Web Authoring covers designing and building a website using Webplus for authoring and Drawplus for animation and graphics.

Computer Graphics – Computer Graphics covers how computers store and manipulate graphics and is used to provide and edit graphics which are used in designing games and web authoring. Drawplus is used for this section of the course.

Scratch – This unit looks at a language called Scratch which allows you to write programs to control multimedia and create games.


The following sites link to free or trial versions of some of the software we use on this course. This information is provided should pupils wish to practise further with the software at home. This is not compulsory for any course.  In all cases, a responsible adult should read and agree to any terms and conditions associated with downloading software from external commercial sites.

  • Scratch – Programming language
  • Serif – Makers of Drawplus and Webplus

Useful websites