Breakfast with Archbishop Tartaglia – Katie Dunn (5a6)

Hello, my name is Katie and I am in 5th year. St. Ninian’s High School has provided me with many opportunities to develop and strengthen my faith which I would like to share with you today. When I was in third year, I participated in a retreat led by Craig Lodge in the oratory. The retreat consisted of singing hymns, a drama performance and general discussion about the Catholic faith. They explained to us who they were and what they did and welcomed us to one of the youth retreats they were leading in Dalmally. Me and a couple of my friends decided to go, I was so intrigued by what they had said before that I wanted to hear more. That weekend in Dalmally was life changing, for the first time I felt that I had really encountered Jesus, I was so happy. When I came back I couldn’t help but smile! I had never felt so comfortable in my own skin and I knew from then on how important your faith is and that is that’s why it plays such a major role in my life and probably why I am here speaking to you today.

Another faith opportunity that the school provided to us was a NET retreat. This was led just before the summer holidays this year. The NET team consisted of people from Canada, America, England, Ireland and even a formal pupil of the school. They weren’t at all forceful but instead invited us to participate and I can gladly say that the majority of the year group opened their hearts to the message they had to share. The thing that I will take most from the day was the number of pupils that took the opportunity of going to confession and the many people that came out feeling inspired to build a relationship with God. It was amazing which is why I was so excited to hear that we were getting a NET team working in our school community and St. Joseph’s parish this year. I have so much respect for the team, they came into our high school to simply share their love of God, which I don’t think would be the easiest of things to do. Another thing I have noticed about the team is that they are so enthusiastic to participate in many other school events like the Halloween disco and the talent show. The team have organised a youth group for pupils between S3 – S6 which takes place in St. Joseph’s church hall after six o’clock mass. The turnout was unbelievable, you could tell by the teams faces that they didn’t quite expect those numbers and it showed me that there are many young people whose faith is very important to them. I think we are so very lucky to have them with us and I know that their work over the next year will make a big impact on the school’s faith life.

This summer I was also privileged enough to put my faith into action by being a helper in the Paisley of Diocese Lourdes pilgrimage. I with another fifteen pupils of St.Ninian’s joined a further thirty young people from around the Diocese. We took part in assisting pilgrims to different places in the town and I myself was even lucky enough to enter the baths – this being the most surreal moment of my life. The young people were asked to wear kilts whilst on duty, at first I wasn’t so keen but when we walked about the town, we attracted so much attention. We felt like celebrities. People from all around the world kept coming up to us saying how amazing Scotland’s youth were and we felt proud. I am hoping to go back to Lourdes next year as it was such an enjoyable experience and I am incredibly grateful to those who made it happen.

Going forward after this year of faith, I would ask you to look to the example set by our new pope. When Pope Francis chose his name, people were surprised, no pope had ever chosen it before however the people in Argentina weren’t surprised. Pope Francis had worked in the slums with the poorest of the poor. St Francis of Assisi was a man of love, faith and compassion and is an example of an individual who truly put his faith into action. Pope Francis wants us to try like him to aspire to be like such a man. Put your faith into action every day in every way. Thank you.

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