S2 Art and Design

Pupils complete four units of work.

Expressive Activity – Pupils will express themselves visually using a wide variety of media and techniques. Pupils analytical observational skills are further developed through an exploration of drawing, print, colour studies and models. These studies are developed further to create expressive outcomes, one figurative, the other still life.

Design Activity – Pupils will develop an understanding of the design process by working to a given brief. Key themes will be researched within a design area and pupils will use their imagination and problem solving skills to develop ideas and create design solutions within areas such as Graphic, Product or Hat Design.

Critical Activity – Pupils study and develop the ability to comment on the work of artists and designers who have inspired and influenced their practical units.

Workshop – Pupils are encouraged to take part in a one day workshop at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum exploring landscape artworks and approaches that artists might have taken when working in this genre.