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Final images produced by the Higher Photography class as part of their final assessment.

Art School Degree Shows

It’s Degree Show time!  If you are thinking of a career in design, expressive arts, photography, architecture or digital media applying to art school might be the route for you.  Not sure?  Take the opportunity to go and see what it’s all about for yourself.  Each year final year students throughout Scotland’s art schools put together an exhibition of their work known as the Degree Show.  These shows are always diverse, sometimes controversial and push viewers to look at things from a different perspective, they also give you a chance to check out the colleges too. Well worth a visit!

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design – 18th – 26th May 2013

Edinburgh College of Art – 1st – 9th June 2013

Glasgow School of Art – 8th – 15th June 2013

Gray’s School of Art – 15th – 22nd June 2013


The Visual Arts Studio is hosting its annual exhibition of work produced as part of their portfolio preparation course.  Many students are successful in gaining places to art schools across the UK on completion of the course.  The exhibition opens at 5pm on Thursday the 23rd of May and runs until the 9th of June.  Further details can be found on the Visual Arts Studio website.